Share us your success story

We are very happy to hear that you met someone on MyTransgenderCupid!
We would like to know more about your story and share it with singles looking for their special someone.

When did you meet him / her? (required)
What attracted you the most about his / her profile? (required)
What are your upcoming plans (vacation, live together, engagement ...)? (required)
Would you like to share a photo with the both of you?
Choose Picture (required)
Choose Picture
What is your first name and that of your partner? We will share this with the photo (s) (required)
Name (required)

Your name / surname is only used by us for internal purposes.

Email (required)

It may be used to send a summary and to contact you regarding your unique love story

In which country do you live?

(Optional) This is for internal use only

What is your age?

(Optional) This is for internal use only

Thank you for participating.

We wish you good luck and success in the relationship!

The MyTransgenderCupid team