
Sexual roles, what is Top, Bottom and Versatile?

Sexual roles, what is Top, Bottom and Versatile?

Reading Time: 8 minutes

The transgender community is diverse and multifaceted, with individuals of different gender identities, sexual orientations, and experiences. One aspect of the transgender scene that is often discussed is sexual roles. As with any community, transgender individuals have a wide range of sexual preferences, including top, bottom, and versatile roles. In this article, we’ll explore the nuances of sexual roles within the transgender scene and provide insights into how these roles impact the experiences of transgender individuals.

Defining Sexual Roles in the Transgender Community

Sexual roles within the transgender scene are defined in much the same way as they are in the broader LGBTQ+ community. A “top” is someone who assumes an active role during sexual activity, while a “bottom” is someone who assumes a more passive role. “Versatile” individuals are comfortable with either role and can switch between them depending on their mood or their partner’s preferences. However, there are some unique considerations when it comes to sexual roles in the transgender community.

For example, some transgender individuals might feel more comfortable assuming a particular sexual role based on their gender identity or anatomy. For instance, a transgender woman who has undergone gender confirmation surgery might feel more comfortable assuming a bottom role, while a transgender man might feel more comfortable assuming a top role. However, this is not always the case, and individuals’ preferences can vary widely.

It’s also important to note that not all transgender individuals are interested in or comfortable with sexual activity. Asexuality, or a lack of sexual attraction, is a valid and normal part of the human experience, and it’s important not to assume that all transgender individuals are interested in sexual activity or have a particular sexual role preference.

The Impact of Sexual Roles on Transgender Individuals

Sexual roles can have a significant impact on the experiences of transgender individuals. For instance, transgender individuals who identify as tops might feel more confident and empowered during sexual activity because they are assuming a traditionally masculine role. Similarly, transgender individuals who identify as bottoms might feel more comfortable and affirmed in their gender identity because they are being penetrated.

However, sexual roles can also reinforce harmful gender stereotypes and expectations. For example, assuming that all transgender men are tops and all transgender women are bottoms can be reductive and limiting. It can also create unrealistic expectations for sexuality behavior and reinforce the idea that gender and sexual roles are fixed and immutable.

Moreover, the pressure to conform to certain sexual roles can be particularly challenging for transgender individuals who are still exploring their gender identity or undergoing medical transition. For instance, a transgender man who has not yet undergone gender confirmation surgery might feel uncomfortable assuming a top role because of his anatomy. Similarly, a transgender woman who has not yet undergone hormone therapy might feel uncomfortable assuming a bottom role because of her body’s physical response to penetration.

Communicating Sexual Role Preferences in the Transgender Scene

Communication is key when it comes to sexual role preferences in the transgender scene. It’s important for individuals to communicate their preferences to their partners in a clear and respectful way. This can help to ensure that both partners are comfortable and consenting to the sexual activity.

It’s also important to be mindful of potential miscommunications or misunderstandings. For example, assuming that a transgender man is a top might be inaccurate and hurtful. It’s important to ask for and respect an individual’s sexual role preferences, rather than assuming them based on their gender identity or anatomy.

Creating Safe and Inclusive Sexual Spaces in the Transgender Scene

Creating safe and inclusive sexual spaces in the transgender scene requires a nuanced understanding of sexual roles and their impact on transgender individuals. It’s important to acknowledge that sexual roles are not fixed or immutable and that individuals’ preferences can vary widely. It’s also important to avoid reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes and expectations and to communicate clearly and respectfully with partners.

One way to create safe and inclusive sexual spaces in the transgender scene is to prioritize consent and communication. This means being mindful of power dynamics and avoiding assumptions about sexual roles. It also means creating an environment where individuals feel empowered to communicate their boundaries and preferences without fear of judgment or discrimination.

Another important consideration is accessibility. Transgender individuals may have unique needs when it comes to sexual activity, such as the use of certain prosthetics or lubricants. It’s important for individuals and sexual partners to be open to discussing and accommodating these needs.

Finally, creating safe and inclusive sexual spaces in the transgender scene requires ongoing education and awareness. This means being open to learning about different gender identities, sexual orientations, and experiences, and being mindful of the ways in which language and behavior can impact others.

Sexual roles have been a topic of conversation for many years. They have become more widely discussed and accepted in modern times, but some individuals still struggle to understand them. Three sexual roles, in particular, that are frequently discussed are “top,” “bottom,” and “versatile.” Below, we’ll delve into the definitions of these roles and explore the various aspects of each.

What does the term “Top” mean?

The term “top” is used to describe someone who takes an active role during sexual intercourse. This means that they typically assume the dominant position, penetrate their partner, and control the tempo of the sexual activity. While being a top often corresponds to a person’s anatomical position (i.e., someone with a penis), anyone can identify as a top regardless of their anatomy or gender identity.

Some people might feel more comfortable in the role of a top because they feel more in control during sexual activity. Being a top allows a person to direct the sexual experience and dictate the pace of the encounter. This can help some individuals feel more confident and empowered, which can lead to more enjoyable sex.

What does the term “Bottom” mean?

The term “bottom” is used to describe someone who takes a more passive role during sexual intercourse. This means that they typically receive penetration from their partner and allow their partner to control the tempo of the sexual activity. Like being a top, being a bottom is not exclusive to any particular gender identity or anatomy.

Individuals who identify as bottoms might feel more comfortable in this role because they prefer to let their partner take control during sexual activity. This allows them to relax and enjoy the experience without worrying about directing the action. Some people also find the physical sensation of receiving penetration to be more pleasurable than giving it.

What does the term “Versatile” mean?

The term “versatile” is used to describe someone who can assume either the top or bottom role during sexual activity. This means that they are comfortable switching between the active and passive roles, depending on their mood or their partner’s preferences. Versatility is not tied to any particular gender identity or anatomy.

Some individuals might prefer to identify as versatile because it allows them to experience a wider range of sexual activities. They can explore different positions and sensations, and they can adapt to their partner’s desires. Being versatile can also help some people feel more adaptable and open-minded when it comes to sex.

Common Misconceptions

It’s important to note that sexual roles are not necessarily tied to a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation. Anyone can identify as a top, bottom, or versatile, regardless of their anatomy or sexual preference. These roles are also not fixed or set in stone; a person’s sexual preferences can change over time or depending on their partner.

Another common misconception is that being a top or bottom is related to power dynamics in a relationship. While some people might enjoy the feeling of dominance or submission during sexual activity, this does not necessarily mean that they want to replicate these dynamics in their everyday life or their romantic relationships. Sexual preferences and power dynamics are two separate things, and it’s important not to conflate them.

How many Transgender individuals are bottoms, versatile or top?

It’s important to understand that gender identity and sexual orientation are distinct concepts. Transgender individuals, like all individuals, have a wide range of sexual preferences and may identify as top, bottom, or versatile.

Unfortunately, there is a lack of data on the sexual preferences of transgender individuals. The limited research that does exist suggests that sexual preferences vary widely within the transgender community.

A 2016 study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that transgender men were more likely to identify as tops, while transgender women were more likely to identify as bottoms. However, it’s important to note that this study had a relatively small sample size and may not be representative of the broader transgender community.

Another study published in the International Journal of Transgenderism found that transgender individuals were more likely to identify as versatile than as exclusively top or bottom. However, this study also had a small sample size and was limited to individuals who were seeking gender-affirming surgery.

It’s important to approach discussions about sexual roles in the transgender community with sensitivity and respect. Sexual preferences are personal and can vary widely based on individual experiences, identities, and circumstances.

Moreover, it’s important to avoid making assumptions or generalizations about the sexual preferences of transgender individuals. Gender identity and sexual orientation are distinct concepts, and each individual has the right to explore and express their sexuality on their own terms.

Creating safe and inclusive spaces for transgender individuals requires an understanding of the unique challenges and experiences faced by this community. This includes being mindful of language and behavior that may reinforce harmful stereotypes or assumptions, and creating an environment where individuals feel empowered to communicate their boundaries and preferences.

In conclusion, there is limited data on the sexual preferences of transgender individuals, and it’s important to avoid making assumptions or generalizations. Instead, creating safe and inclusive spaces requires a commitment to sensitivity, respect, and ongoing education and awareness. By prioritizing these values, we can create a world where all individuals feel empowered to explore their sexuality on their own terms.

How many gay men are bottoms, versatile or top (based on stats)?

It is important to note that generalizing the sexual preferences of a diverse group of individuals is not appropriate. Sexual preferences are personal and varied, and it is not appropriate to assume that all individuals within a certain group adhere to the same preferences or behaviors.

That being said, there have been studies conducted on the sexual preferences of gay men. However, it’s important to note that these studies are limited in their scope and may not accurately reflect the preferences of all gay men.

Study 1: Scruff

One study conducted in 2016 by the dating app Scruff found that 33.9% of gay men identified as versatile, while 32.7% identified as bottoms and 31.3% identified as tops.

Study 2: Hornet

Another study conducted in 2019 by the dating app Hornet found that 45% of gay men identified as versatile, 32% identified as tops, and 23% identified as bottoms.

These studies suggest that there is a relatively even distribution of sexual preferences among gay men, with a significant portion identifying as versatile. However, it’s important to note that these studies only reflect the preferences of individuals who use dating apps, and may not be representative of the broader gay community.

It’s also important to recognize that sexual preferences can be fluid and can change over time. Some individuals may identify as versatile at one point in their life and then later identify as a top or bottom.

It’s also worth noting that there are cultural and societal factors that can influence the ways in which individuals express their sexuality. For example, in some cultures, there may be a stigma attached to being a bottom, which can lead individuals to identify as tops or versatile instead. It’s important to acknowledge and challenge these societal expectations and biases, and to create a culture that is accepting and supportive of all sexual preferences and identities.

In conclusion, while studies have suggested that there is a relatively even distribution of sexual preferences among gay men, it is important to recognize that sexual preferences are personal and varied. It is not appropriate to assume that all gay men adhere to a particular sexual role, and it is important to create a culture that is accepting and supportive of all sexual preferences and identities.


Sexual roles in the transgender scene are complex and nuanced, influenced by a range of factors including gender identity, anatomy, and personal preference. While sexual roles can have a significant impact on the experiences of transgender individuals, it’s important to avoid reinforcing harmful gender stereotypes and expectations. Instead, creating safe and inclusive sexual spaces requires open communication, consent, and a commitment to ongoing education and awareness. By prioritizing these values, we can create a world where all individuals feel empowered to explore their sexuality on their own terms.

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