My Transgender Cupid

Explore along ports, take boat cruises, discover museums, take in the view of windmills, and have fun cycling along the streets of Netherlands. It is also a shopping gem, especially within its capital, Amsterdam!

For transwomen, Netherlands is quite a charming country to live in with its progress in fighting for the rights of transgender people. Since the late 20th century, there was a growing recognition of homosexuality and because of this, it was declassified as a mental illness in 1973. To know more about the transwomen of the Netherlands, we have prepared a list of things you should know before you prance around the land of tulips.


Netherlands established the Equal Transgender Rights Law in 1994

To protect transsexuals, the law was enacted to free them from discrimination against their sexual orientation, employment opportunities, housing, and access to facilities and goods. Further, this country was the first to legalize same-sex marriage last 2001. You will really see how Dutch people make transwomen inclusive in their society.

Amsterdam is one of the famous places for transsexuals to live in. In fact, there are specific places like bars, bathhouses, hotels and other venues that caters to Dutch transgender needs. You don’t have to worry about your transsexual partner when going out. A country as accepting as the Netherlands, you will surely both have fun with the numerous activities you can choose from.

Sodomy used to be a capital crime

Sodomy was a big issue back in 1730 to 1811. It resulted in over hundreds of deaths of homosexuals. This changed when the Netherlands gained independence in 1813. During that time, no sodomy related laws were created. However, it changed again when World War II happened and same-sex sexual activity is not allowed again.

Thankfully, in 1973, homosexuality was no longer seen as a mental illness. From then on, Dutch people have improved a lot in terms of promoting LGBTI human rights. One of the amazing things you should know is that LGBTI inclusivity is also part of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science’s plan. In order to implement this, teaching materials that discuss these issues are being given to school children. This is why LGBTI people are considered ‘normal’ at school. By discussing these issues, the education system is making transwomen go about the society confidently.

In addition, in the year 2014, sex change in important documents as possible even if a transgender didn’t undergo surgery or sterilization. As such, there were 770 gender changes just in 2017 compared to approximately 80 gender changes that happened per year between the year 2007 and 2014.

However even if they have the freedom, they are still most likely to be discriminated by having a low income because of the prejudice that comes with being a transwoman and the occasional verbal attacks coming from people. Make sure to know how your Dutch partner fares in her country. If she experiences discrimination, make sure to be the support system she needs. Be proud that you are in a relationship with her and prepare the best dating days to show how much you appreciate her.

Dutch Transgender

Dating Transgender women from the Netherlands

Even with the existing problems, Netherlands is moving forward in its goal to make transwomen to be inclusive in the society. Laws are continually implemented and debated. It is the perfect place to find your transsexual partner even with its existing imperfection.

Are you interested to find her? Are you willing to travel all the way to the Netherlands just to meet you Transgender girlfriend? My Transgender Cupid gives you that chance. Just register now at our TS dating site, for FREE and you will open the doors to FIND THE ONE.

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