My Transgender Cupid

Transgender women lookingfor dating in Liverpool - United Kingdom

A few years back, when I was in Liverpool for work experience during my University Course. I met a lot of other Trans women looking for transgender dating in United Kingdom.

At the time I was in the middle of studying for my Degree and hadn't come out to everyone I know as being a T-girl. But, going to Liverpool, gave me the chance to get away from London and my circle of friends. And spend some time exploring the ts dating scene in another major UK city.

All in all, I was in Liverpool for about 6 months and, had such a great time with all of the Trans girls I met. That I was a little hesitant to go back home. To tell the truth, I was quite surprised at how active the T-girl scene is in Liverpool. But there again, for those that don't know, the city has voted the Capital of Culture not so long ago. The other thing I found is that by and large, the city's population, renowned for its wit and cultural diversity. (with a long history of immigration from countries all over the world). Is generally very tolerant and accepting of Trans (and gay) people.

Transgender dating in Liverpool is vibrant and alive. There are a lot of Trans girls looking for relationship and friendship.

Most of the Liverpool people are easy going. And most of the T-girls I met had only good things to say about living in the city.

Transgender dating in Liverpool has familiar problems attached

When I look back, most of our stories were similar. Plenty of guys looking for Transgender girls to date. In fact, more men than we could hope for; but the problems we encountered were always the same. Let me give you some examples of my own experiences with dating men who were keen on meeting T-girls in Liverpool:

  1. As a Transgender woman, I've come to expect that there are always going to be men who see us T-girls as a fetish. Or a challenge if you like; they only want to date us a curiosity to “see what’s it like to be with a T-girl”. A handful of men in Liverpool are no exception. And, in some of the bars and clubs me and my friends frequented, there was a fair proportion of these type of men;

  2. Men with this sort of fetish differ from the so-called "Tranny Chasers". Who at least are more knowledgeable about Trans women. And recognize that we are that, women: both physically and emotionally. Tranny chasers are also keen to date T-girls but find it hard to maintain a relationship. As are always looking for the next girl: the younger one, the better-looking one and so on…

  3. As we are a minority, so are men who like us and it could be very frustrating getting ready. Heading for a bar or club in Liverpool, standing around, having a drink and a laugh. But always wondering if there might be a “nice” man looking to date a Trans girl at the same bar. Or place—and brave enough to come across and talk to us. And even if he came across, then we'd have to spend time getting to know each other. With me always worrying, always anxious if he knew I was a Transgender woman.

After putting our heads together and discussing the issues we were facing. My T-girl friends in Liverpool and I came to the same conclusion. It was going to be far easier and much better to become a member of a Transgender dating site. A decent trans site such as

I wasn’t fully out as a Transgender woman at the time

As I mentioned, at that time, I wasn't out as Transgender to my close friends. But living in Liverpool helped get me liberated in a way. For 2-3 nights per week, I would go out with my T-friends as my true self. Plus, of course, spend all weekend. All the way from Friday night until early Monday morning, living and presenting as female.

I ended up sharing a house with two other Transgender girls (Alexa and Raine). And we shopped together and did each other’s hair, nail varnish. And also, generally, exchanged tips on our presentation. (both of these T-girls were of a similar age. One was already out and the other was at about the same stage in her transition as me). We also exchanged tips on dating for Trans girls in Liverpool. And shared some personal stories of our experiences with dating men. And also the best places to meet them in the city.

I’ve got lots of reasons why Transgender dating sites work

Why? Well, I can give you a dozen or more good reasons why joining a specialized dating site is the way to go. But here are a few of my favorite reasons:

  • Most the men on the site know they are looking at the profiles of Transgender girls. So no misunderstandings there;
  • They know we are on a site like MyTransgenderCupid because we are looking to date. Whether we are in Liverpool, London or even overseas. Quite simply, we are looking for a boyfriend, companion, soul mate or even a husband. Just like regular girls!
  • A Transgender dating site gives you the opportunity to get to know anyone. Anyone who shows interest in you without leaving the comfort of your home. There are no safety concerns. And you can work out if there might be some compatibility between you and him before you agree to meet.

Liverpool Transgender dating in summary

Need I say more? Well, I will anyway: you need to remember T-girls are often very vulnerable. And safety is a big issue for us. So getting to know as much as we can about a man looking to date us is a very big advantage. Which Transgender dating sites offer…

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